MIDI IN - choose device you will be playing on. Your keystrokes will be displayed on first pianoroll. Click on pianoroll name to change it. Others joining this session will see you by that name as you will see separate pianoroll for each participant. In case you don't have any MIDI devices attached you can play on QWERTY keyboard by choosing 'HTML Piano In'. Click on your pianoroll, then type on your keyboard. If you just want to observe and listen then only choose MIDI OUT device.
MIDI OUT - how do you want keystrokes from others to be played. Keystrokes from others will also be shown and played on separate pianorolls for each participant. If you just want to listen choose 'Web Audio' and enjoy when others play :)
By recording the masterpiece you play it will instantly make it permanently available for others joining this session at any time. They can playback and observe keystrokes you made so be expressive for others that will learn from you :) Just hit Record button and start playing. After you finish hit Record again or Stop. MIDI file will also became downloadable but there is a catch; BPM is fixed to 120 and it will stay like that until we implement metronome.